  • 广告标题

Talent concept 

Talent promotion
Yu Ning has established a promotion mechanism of equal competition for talents and the survival of the fittest. Promoting talents from within is the fundamental guarantee for the development of the company. Internal promotion follows the principle of "openness, equality, competition and selection of the best", focusing on people's quality, potential character, actual ability and experience, and looking at each employee from the perspective of development. Support innovators, reuse promising people, adjust mediocre people, eliminate non-productive people, so that excellent management personnel into higher management positions, excellent technical personnel to get more value return. If the internal selection cannot meet the needs of talents, external recruitment is carried out, but whether it is external technical talents or management talents, special attention is paid to their recognition of the company's corporate culture, and high-level positions are particularly important

Personnel training
Yuning has been trying to create an open, resource-sharing, common progress of the learning atmosphere, in the staff training, the company organized systematic training to help employees in the corporate values, ideological pattern, knowledge, professional skills and other aspects of further growth, while advocating all employees, especially cadres at all levels to constantly strengthen reading and learning, broaden their horizons. Encourage and support employees to identify self-development learning topics, and find problems and solutions through regular internal communication and discussion. In addition, the internal mentoring system for new employees is implemented to help new employees adapt to the new environment and integrate into the work team in the shortest time

Incentive mechanism
Yuning has established a systematic and perfect reward mechanism to affirm and motivate employees' contributions and excellent performance in a timely manner, including: notification of praise, certificates of honor, public recognition, salary increase, bonus, material rewards (such as prize travel, vacation, training, etc.)

Company address: One kilometer north of Guandimiao Town, Dangshan
County, Anhui Province

Contact number: 18368006136

E-mail: dsyuning@163.com

Copyright © 2015-2023 Anhui Yu Ning pectin Co., LTD ICP备案号20007450号-1

Anhui Yuning Pectin Co., Ltd
